Life, so sweety

Life, so sweety

Clap your hands say yeah

Gimme Some Salt

Sally hit the pavement
Wineglass in her hand
Sally's rearrangement
I'll never understand
But little did I wonder
(little did I try)
her little bit of thunder
her little bit of lightning

Sucka sucka MC
Sing my favorite song
Sing it for the dancing
Sing it for somber one
Curious velocity
Brought me to a halt
Flatten me my baby
Gimmie some salt

She was always asking
Where's the nearest bar?
Pedal on the gas kid
Getting playing hard hard
I was in the kitchen
Cooking up a shark
Sally's out preparing
Witty remarks

The Skin

Of My Yellow Country Teeth

Once - The dogs have quit their barking
"Son," - my neighbor said to me.
"Know the emptiness of talking blue
the same old sheep."
Run - I'll do no more this walking
Haunted by a past I just can't see

But let me tell you I have never planned
To let go of the hand that has been
Clinging by its thick country skin
To my yellow country teeth

Far - Far away from West Virginia
I - Will try on New York City
Explaining that the sky holds the
Wind the sun rushes in and a child
With a shotgun can shoot down
Honeybees that sting

Who - Will get me to a party?
Who - Do I have yet to meet?
You - You look a bit like coffee
And you taste a bit like me
How - Can I keep me from moving?
Now - I need a change of scenery
Just listen to me I won't pretend to
Understand the movement of the wind
Or the waves out in the ocean or how
Like the hours I change softly slowly
Plainly blindly oh me oh my!


Over And Over Again (Lost & Found)

I heard it from a friend
The Revolution never happened
A little die
No more a child

No where's the woolen sweater
You mentioned in the letter?
The other guy
And scandalize the lion

A clean shave in the morning
And a full beard with no warning
Time has gotten by on alibis and wine

Success is so forbidding
But it makes me think I'm winning
Dim the lights
Adopt another lifestyle

You look like David Bowie
But you've nothing new to show me
Start another fire
And watch it slowly die

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