Life, so sweety

Life, so sweety

Be your own pet

Damn damn leash
You got me on a leash, a damn damn leash
And it's hard enough to be myself
You got me on a leash, a damn damn leash
And it's hard enough to be myself

Well I've got my problems over here
You got yours over there
So stop throwing shit on me
Because you know it's not fair

Stop dragging me around, around and around
Because it's hard enough to be my damn self
Stop dragging me around, around and around
Because it's hard enough to be my damn self

Around, around, around, around...

Well I've got my problems over here
You got yours over there
So stop throwing shit on me
Because you know it's not fair

You got me on a leash, a damn damn leash
And it's hard enough to be my damn self

You got me on a leash, a damn damn leash
And it's hard enough to be my damn self


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